Findel Shines Bright: Education and Training Triumph at the Direct Commerce Awards 2023

October 2023

On the 15th of October, Findel achieved another milestone, bagging the Education and Training category prize at the Direct Commerce Awards 2023.

These awards, founded by Direct Commerce magazine, are hailed as the crown jewels for direct and multichannel retailers, and they commend the efforts and successes of businesses both in the B2B and B2C sectors. For over 26 years, they have set the benchmark for accomplishments in the world of direct commerce. Other winners included the National Gallery, Harrods, and Bird and Blend Tea.

Findel’s victory in the Education and Training category is a testament to their dedication to excellence and their unwavering commitment to providing exceptional services in the ever-evolving landscape of direct commerce.

The Direct Commerce Awards aim to bring together both B2B and B2C businesses to showcase their achievements, learn from each other, and inspire the industry as a whole.

This years judges were looking for businesses that had made progress in a challenging market, they looked for the positive outcomes achieved and elements combined to create stronger, sustainable businesses.

You can find out more about the awards and the magazine here: 2023 Direct Commerce Awards – Home of Direct Commerce

Findel lends another hand at Corrie Primary School

Findel lends another hand at Corrie Primary School

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Findel hosts its first ever Findel Fest

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